How to Hear Your Intuition (AKA Intuition 101)

You Can Trust Yourself and Your Choices, Really.
Even if You’ve Never Connected with Your Intuition Before

This Quick and Simple Online Class Will Help You Learn How to Hear Your intuition”
Learn Several Ways to Connect to Yourself in Just A Few Hours!

What if you never questioned yourself or your choices again?

With Intuition 101, there’s no need to worry about if you’re doing the right thing or going in the right direction. You’ll learn how to ask questions and get clear answers from your innermost self in just three lessons.

Does this sound like you?

You feel uncertain and unsure. You don’t know what move to make next, whether it’s trying to figure out your next career shift or if you should end that relationship or not. You poll your friends and family, always hoping someone else will give you the clarity you’re looking for.

You get stressed and frustrated even over little decisions, always worried about ruffling feathers or making the wrong decision. You wish you just had an easy way to figure things out, a way that always aligned with your best interests.

What if there was a way to consistently make the exact right choice?

A way to always know what to do next? A way to move confidently through life, certain you were staying aligned with your values and heart?

That’s exactly why I created Intuition 101

I want to help you get in touch with the one part of you that ALWAYS knows what to do next—your intuition.

This is more important than ever right now. We’re living in a new and uncertain world full of questions but not a lot of answers. If you want to learn what’s best for you, no matter what the subject, you’re in the right place.

If you’ve ever had a “gut feeling” about something, you know your intuition is real and living inside you. I created this program so you can learn to reliably tap into that inner knowing any time, any place.

Want to know if you should go to that party or not? Tap into your intuition. Not sure if you should move forward with that business opportunity? Check your gut.  I want you to feel confident in every choice, always, which is why I created Confident + Clear.

Intuition is an online class that can help you get started with learning how to communicate directly with your own beautiful, all-knowing inner voice, even if you’ve never done it before, in just a few lessons.

calm down

You’ll learn what your intuition is, how you may have already been communicating with it already, the difference between your mind and your intuition, and my two absolute favorite go-to methods for communicating with it, no matter what you need an answer to.

Right now you’re really struggling with feeling good about your choices. You don’t know what to do next. Big moves feel really scary. You’re often reaching out to friends, family members, co-workers, even strangers on the internet, in order to find clarity.  

Imagine if you could wake up each day knowing, without a doubt, that you were making the best choices for YOU?

What would it be like to feel absolutely confident and clear about your direction, no matter what was going on in your life? How would it feel to feel completely, utterly aligned with your every action?

Well, this can be your reality with Confident + Clear.

Jen Picicci

I’m a Certified Life Coach and Certified Inner Voice Facilitator who has spent more than a decade helping people connect with their true selves and forge their own right path.

I may have a tight relationship with my intuition now, one I use every single day to guide me in business and personal decisions both big and small, but it wasn’t always that way.

I had no idea what to do with my life. I went through a divorce and was stuck in a low-paying dead end job. But over the years I got in touch with that voice inside me and have been amazed by the beautiful places its led me. I’m now happily married with a family of my own, not to mention the owner of a business that makes my heart happy.

I created Confident + Clear because I want to help you see that you have all the answers inside you. You have an impeccable guidance system that is always available to you, and your life can be brighter and better than you’ve ever imagined, you just need to learn where to look.

Inside Intuition 101:

A quick and simple online class that will help you get to your center + show you how to get the answers you need to live a confident life.

What’s included:

A 3 part lesson ($297 Value) plus a ton of bonuses (a $151 Value!)
Lesson One: What is the intuition, exactly? 

-Learn what your intuition is and where it lives

-Discover the benefits of your listening to your intuition

-Uncover the ways you’ve probably been getting signals from it all along

-The number one reason your mind isn’t reliable and why you should listen to your intuition, instead

-Learn how to use the SILK test to discover if you’re truly hearing from your intuition

Lesson Two: How to Connect

-Uncover the two best ways to connect with your intuition for reliable answers every time

-Learn how your body and emotions are trying to communicate with you all day, every day

-I’ll teach you the exact method that I use to connect with my own intuition almost every day

-Grab this awesome guided meditation/inner voice session (it’s the method I use with my one on one clients!)


Lesson Three: What if I can’t hear it??

-Exactly what to do if you can’t hear your intuition

-What you need to do to trust the answers you receive

-The one thing you must do in order to integrate this into your life

-The right way to ask questions to ensure you get the answers you seek

-Master the SAUCY method so you know exactly when to ask your intuition

All of these components together are a $448 value, but you’re getting it today for just $19 

Wait, I’m getting all of this for just $27?

Yup, this course is worth more than 10 times what I’m charging.

After all, it will teach you a skill that will make you feel more confident for the rest of your life. But my goal was to offer this to you at a no-brainer price, because I want you to let go of self doubt NOW. I don’t want you to start feeling confident about your choices ten years from now, I want you to start feeling confident about them TODAY. So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to hem and haw, you can grab it and use it NOW!

What if I’ve never heard or felt my intuition before? Will this work for me?

I’m guessing you probably HAVE heard or felt your intuition before and just didn’t realize it. If you’ve ever felt a tightness in your solar plexus after accepting a job you “just knew” wasn’t right for you, if you’ve ever felt a pull to make a left instead of a right (and found out later there was a huge traffic jam to the right), or if you’ve ever just had an “off” feeling about something, then you’ve felt it. This class will simply help you highlight these experiences and recognize them in the future. You’ll also learn specific techniques to interact with your intuition whenever you want, rather than waiting to hear from it.

I don’t have time to learn a bunch of different techniques, should I still take this class?

The class itself will be about two hours long. You’ll learn a few different techniques, and you’re free to pick and choose which ones will work best for you. I personally use one technique consistently, and that’s all I need.

I think listening to your intuition is kind of woo woo and out there, can you reassure me this class is right for me?

Listen, I hear ya. I love science and I love research (I even have a Master’s degree in Health Sciences!), but I strongly believe there’s more to this world than meets the eye. I would never suggest you take this class if it makes you uncomfortable, but if you feel a little nudge from somewhere inside, well, this class is probably right for you.

Can my intuition really help me with any problem?

Pretty much. It’s true that the mind is sometimes scared to hear an answer and my try to block the intuition (especially if it’s a big decision, like getting a divorce or moving to a new city), but this class will teach you’ll what to do in those situations. Your intuition is NOT likely to give you winning lottery numbers, but it can certainly help light up the next step on your journey.

What if I still can’t hear my intuition after taking this course?

If you’re open to hearing from it and believe that you can, you will. You may not hear direct “spoken” answers, but you’ll learn other ways that your intuition is always trying to communicate with you that you’ll most certainly be able to feel after taking this class.

I’m worried other people will think I’m weird if I start asking for guidance from my intuition.

You’re under no obligation to tell anyone what you’re doing. You’ll probably find most people will wonder why all of a sudden you’re so sure of yourself and want to know what your secret is!

How can I use this information to find my purpose?

Your intuition can help you find your purpose, but know that it takes its time. The intuition generally doesn’t give big, long answers about exactly what you should do with every aspect of your life, but it does lead you in the direction of things that will then unfold into bigger, better things.

Will this course help me figure out if I should stay with my partner or not?

The answers to everything are inside of you. This course will help you see that and teach you how to start accessing those answers. You, ultimately, are always the only one who can make big decisions for yourself. Learning to listen to your intuition will help you make all sorts of decisions, from what to do about your love life and what shoes to wear.

If I learn to listen to my intuition, does that mean I’ll know what the future holds?

Maybe? Being connected to your intuition can certainly help you sense what to do next, though you’re not going to automatically become clairvoyant just because you’ve learned to look inside for guidance.

COuldn’t I just figure this out on my own? By reading books or something?

Probably not. I’ve been listening to and tapping into my own intuition for more than a decade, so I know exactly what it’s like to go from not having any clue how to hear it to using it to guide every aspect of my life. And what’s it done for my life? Well, I run my own business doing exactly the things I love, while living in a place I love with people (and a cat) I love, so it’s working for me!

In addition to that, I’m one of only 30 people in the world trained by teacher and podcaster Jess Lively to be an Inner Voice Facilitator, so I’ve talked to dozens and dozens of inner voices and have experience that almost no one else on the planet has when it comes to understanding the deep eternal wisdom within.

Who is this for?

  • You sign up and have immediate access to the coursework + bonuses
  • You can do the whole course in one day or spread it out as you like
  • You’ll be on my newsletter and get awesome updates + articles 
  • Contact me anytime jen@jenpicicci
Due to the Digital nature of this class, there will be no refunds after purchase

Imagine where you could be one month from now.

You feel confident about every choice you make. You feel absolutely certain you’re going in the right direction in both your career and your relationships. You don’t struggle with doubt and uncertainty, because now you know exactly what to do when you feel that way. You’re an inspiration to others. Instead of spending the night on Facebook, polling strangers about your next move, you’re out enjoying life.


What you have said is helping me so much.  After all the business coaches, life coaches, workshops etc. I have ever done, your course is what makes me feel the best.


If you’re curious about what your inner voice has to say or you’d like loving guidance on any part of your life, I highly recommend working with Jen. She offers a safe and open-minded / open-hearted space to connect with your true nature.

-Emily S.

how to hear your intuition

What if you never questioned your self or your choices again?

With Confident + Clear, there’s no need to worry about if you’re doing the right thing or going in the right direction. You’ll learn how to ask questions and get clear answers from your innermost self in just three days.