Intuition 101 Self Study

You sometimes feel like you don’t know what to do next. You feel uncertain about your path. You wish there was a simple way to know what the right thing was.

Well, guess what? There is a way to know what to do next. The answer is to tap into your very own inner voice and intuition. But how? How do you learn to do that? How do you learn to trust in the answers?

Here’s the deal: I believe we’re all here to live beautiful, joyful lives (with plenty of messy parts mixed in), and that our souls and spirits all have paths that are the most fulfilling, especially when it comes to the work we do in the world.

The problem is, being in touch with that voice and knowing what to do next is trained out of us almost from birth: Do what your parents want, not what you want. Don’t wear that, someone might make fun of you. Do well in school, because it’s the only thing that matters. Don’t quit your soul-sucking job, you need health insurance!

All of these rules are supposedly designed to help you, but in reality they’re keeping you from living the life you’re supposed to have. I believe you can create a beautiful, meaningful, satisfying life by going toward the good and listening to what your intuition is telling you. 

It’s not overnight, and it’s not always easy. It is possible, though, to move into a career and life that feels at home for you. 

That’s why I taught a class on this exact thing, so you can learn exactly how to make the right decisions for YOU, every time

This class includes five videos + entrance into a private Facebook group where I answer questions, provide resources, and give updated information as I go deeper with my own inner guidance system.

Here’s what ya get: 

  • A deep understanding of what your inner guidance system is, exactly
  • What to do if you can’t hear yours
  • The difference between your mind and your inner voice
  • How your body is trying to communicate with you
  • A boatload of different ways to get in touch with your guidance system
  • What happens if you ignore your intuition
  • How to learn to trust the information you’re getting
  • What to do if someone else tells you your intuition is wrong
  • The two things you need to do consistently if you want to hear from your intuition
  • And more! (I had to put that because a cheesy infomercial would tell you that.) 
Class Number One

We’ll talk about all of the ways your inner guidance system is trying to speak to you through your body

Class Number Two

Learn what your emotions mean when it comes to tuning into your intuition

Class Number Three

Direct, clear ways to hear from your inner voice + how to trust it

Class Number Four

The one step you need to take to tie it all together and make this a consistent, valuable part of your life

Here’s what someone who took this class had to say:

What you have said is helping me so much.  After all the business coaches, life coaches, workshops etc. I have ever done, your course is what makes me feel the best.

This is a self-paced class that you’ll have lifetime access to. Sign up now and you can get started right away. It’s 25 bucks (you can’t go wrong).