Awareness of Self: This is the Key to Everything

Somehow I’ve been missing it this whole time, but awareness of yourself and what’s going on in your head turns out to be the key to a whole lot of good things in life.

self awareness

This morning I finished reading The Power of Now. I’d already completed most of Eckhart Tolle’s other very popular book, A New Earth, but Power  was really calling to me.

I’m so glad I answered.

The Power of Now  was different for me. It makes just about every other self-help and/or spiritual teaching book seem incomplete. Other books still want you to use your mind and think harder. This book wants you to see that believing what your mind tells you will never, ever lead to peace. 

I would say the one thing became exceedingly clear to me while reading the book is that awareness and awareness of self is the key to everything. 

Awareness is what allows us to hear our true selves and inner voice. 

Awareness is what allows us to change and improve our relationships. 

Awareness is the key to overcoming the non-stop freight train that is our thoughts. 

How to start becoming self aware

Instead of believing you are your mind and your thoughts (I am a doctor. I had a horrible childhood. I am a progressive thinker. I am bad at dancing), awareness of self lets you see that you are not the mind, you are the consciousness that can see those thoughts. 

If you truly were your thoughts, you could never dis-identify with them, ever. But you’ve had moments of clarity, right? Where you, the real You, notices that the thing you’re thinking is totally whack. You know it’s sending you down a path or destruction and despair, and you know you don’t want to be a part of it anymore.

That right there is the number one way that awareness leads to inner peace: it shows you that you are not the mind. You do not have to believe what you’ve been told, good or bad. You do not have to change your body or your eyebrows or your living room decor. 

How Self Awareness Helps (In Every Situation!)

Awareness is useful in every situation. Every single one. Here’s some of the things it can help with.

#1 Anxiety

If you notice you’re getting anxious, breathe in and become aware. You’re most likely worrying about the future. I do this ALL THE TIME. I get that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach because I’m identifying with and believing the thought that I can’t get it all done or I’m going to run out of time.

Becoming aware of that anxiety, going into it, acknowledging it, releasing it–all that good stuff requires awareness.

#2 depression and sadness

If you notice you’re depressed, sad, or lonely, become aware that your mind is telling you things about your past.  It’s projecting the past onto the future and letting you know there’s no reason to have hope. 

Does that ring any bells? How many times have you felt down and out because your mind is telling you that, because you messed up five years ago you’re guaranteed to mess up forever?

Once again, self awareness and separation from your thoughts is the key to coming back to the present moment and letting go of those worries about the past.

#3 Relationships

Awareness is also a gift in relationships. I’ve noticed (become aware of) the ways in which my mind wants to instantly react to my husband. To prove I’m right, to get my opinion in before he’s done talking, to nitpick little things that truly do not matter.

Once you invite in awareness, all of your relationships will get better. You’ll notice much more quickly when you’re reaction is way bigger than necessary. You’ll also notice when your mind is going on and on, telling you why a relationship is wrong or needs to change. 

some final thoughts on self awareness

Awareness gives birth to change. Without awareness there is no change. There can’t be. How can you change something if you aren’t aware of it?

If you want to improve your life, if you want to feel calmer, if you want to feel more balanced, becoming aware is the best and fastest door to go through. 

This is it, folks. This is the way in. This is the way to a better existence on earth.

Become aware of the mind and all it identifies with and the way it never stops. Use that awareness to make it still, or to stop believing everything it says. Use that awareness to be right here, in this moment, instead of grumbling over the past or fretting about the future. Be aware of the moment. 

One More Great Way to Become Self Aware

Writing in a journal or practicing some sort of creativity gives you space and stillness—and awareness. That’s one of the reasons I created the 14 Day Art + Soul Journaling Challenge, and I’d love for you to join.

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