5 Simple Steps to Connect With Your Inner Voice

Want to know exactly how I get answers from my inner voice??

inner voice

Well, you’re in for a treat, because this is one of my absolute favorite topics to talk about!

I’ve been listening in for nudges and hunches for years and years, but I started out mostly by listening to and tapping into the feelings and pulls and sensations in my body—something I else I talk about extensively in the class.

However, in the couple of years, I’ve honed in on how to actually “talk” to and “hear” from my inner voice.

In fact, in spring of 2020, I became one of the first students ever to become a certified inner voice facilitator. Pretty cool, right?

And you’re getting all my knowledge right now!

Exactly How I Get Answers From My Inner Voice

I’ve streamlined the process into something that’s easy to remember: the CHART method. Once you memorize this, you’re good to go!

C – Center yourself

H – Heart-brain coherence

A – Ask your question

R – Receive an answer

T – Trust

Lemme break it down for you, but if you want even more detailed info on hearing from your intuition, grab the free guide.

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#1 Center yourself

I want to make this clear: It’s very, VERY difficult to hear from the deep, still part inside of you if your mind is all over the place and you’re in the midst of chaos. Lots of anxious messages from my brain alerts me that I’ve let my thoughts run away with me and I’m most definitely not in a good place to receive information.

In order to get the guidance you’re seeking, you must center yourself. Go somewhere you can be alone, take a few deep breaths, move your energy into your body (and away from that pesky mind of yours).

#2 Heart-brain coherence

You may think your brain is the one sending the signals and making your life operate smoothly, but did you know your heart sends way more signals to your brain than vice versa? When we’re in a state of heart-brain coherence, we’re calmer and more positive. I find that getting into this state also allows me to be more open and aware and able to hear what my inner voice is trying to tell me.

To get some quick instructions on heart-brain coherence, check out this post from the HeartMath institute. (And we’ll talk about it even more in class!)

#3 Ask for answers

This seems so obvious, but people just don’t do it. If you want answers, you (usually) have to ask. I generally write down my questions in a notebook , but I’ve also experimented with recording myself on my phone and verbally asking questions.

I have a notebook dedicated to just this activity! The reason writing answers down (or recording them if you want to speak out loud), is important is that you will often not remember what the voice said. That may sound odd, but I can get through a journaling session and have no clue what the actual answers were! It’s also very soothing to go back later and look over conversations with your intuition.

#4 Receive answers

This is where people get confused and tripped up. How do they actually hear the messages? What do the answers sound like? What do they do while they wait for the answers?

First of all, the inner voice usually gives answers that are very succinct, often just one or two words. Also, the inner voice is going to give answers that are calm and level-headed, not crazy and dramatic. Because where the inner voice lives, all is well, all the time.

You need to listen deep inside. Once you start practicing you’ll start to be able to tell if the answer came from (or was blocked by!) your mind. This is probably the topic I get most excited talking about, because there’s so much nuance and so much to learn. You need to practice opening up in order to receive.

#5 Trust What you get

This is also tough for people. Was the answer real? Did I really hear that?

This takes practice. The more often you get yourself quiet, get in a good state, ask questions, and start receiving answers, the more you’ll know if the answers you’re getting are trustworthy and “real.”

You also have to trust yourself and this process. If you’ve never, ever stopped to ask what’s going on inside and instead have always relied on the input of family or friends or have gone by a pro/con list and chosen the “smartest” option, this will feel foreign to you. Take your time. Your intuition isn’t going anywhere.

If you find this as exciting as I do, go check out the self-study class Intuition 101. It’s jam packed with more information about exactly how YOU can hear from your own inner voice!

There you have it. The basics of how to tap into my intuition. I get centered, I get myself into the right state, I ask the questions (usually in a notebook), I open up to receive answers, and then I trust that what I’m getting is just right for me.

If you want to go even deeper on how to get answers from your intuition, grab your copy of the free guide below.