How to Add Mindfulness and Intuition To Your Art

intuition art

Mindfulness and Art

If we’ve met on the internet before, you probably know how much I’m into connecting with my intuition, especially when it comes to making art and being creative.

One way to add more intuition to your life is to add more mindfulness. Why? Because if you’re not mindful you can’t possibly hear your intuition! Being mindful simply means to be present and aware in the moment you’re in, rather than letting your mind wander. When you’re not stuck in thought, the ability to hear the still presence within you speak is much, much easier.

I use art both as a way to become more mindful as well as a way to work using my intuition. It’s all a big circle for me; get still, make art, feel more mindful, hear my intuition more clearly, make more art, repeat.

What Does It Mean to Use Your Intuition to Make Art?

It simply means you’re letting the playful, soulful, eternal part of you play with colors and textures and shapes in the “real” world. It means letting go of expectations and perfection, and just creating for the sake of creation.

But how do you do that? It’s simpler than you think: You need to slow down. Breathe in and out, find your calm center, and ask for something to come through. If you’re not sure it’s working, just keep a playful, light attitude and experiment. This is supposed to be fun, not serious!

Free Guide + Mini Class To Get Your Started

If you’d like to know more about how to start accessing the magic that is mindfulness, intuition, and your creative practice, sign up for the mini class below. You’ll get a free guide along with a video introduction and short lesson on how to access your intuition to create art. You can also see more of my intuitive and mindful painting in action on Instagram.