Try These Positive Affirmations This Year

positive affirmations

Why You Should Try Positive Affirmations

My theme for January 2023 is “Words to Live By.” What you tell yourself will make or break your day, and replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations is one way to have a more gratitude-filled and peaceful life.

I find it most helpful to have several positive phrases or mantras written down in a notebook or journal, that way they’re ready for me when I need them.

Here’s a list of some positive affirmations you should try this year, and if you want to add them to an art journal, become a patron on Ko-fi, where I share lots of art journaling tutorials.

Mantras to Try This Year

1. Everything is Always Working Out For Me

This is my mantra for the year. I don’t believe in denying or suppressing negative emotions, however, we humans tend to focus on, notice, and project the negative more than the positive. This year, my goal is to remind myself that things are always working out for me, and look for examples of that truth all around me.

2. Be Easy About It

Another affirmation I’ll be repeating to myself this year, “be easy about it” reminds me that no amount of stressing, pushing, or worrying will improve any situation. Take a breath, relax, be easy about it.

3. Never Hurry, Never Cease

Another reminder to chill out! Rushing to get something done does not create a positive result, and giving up on something you truly want isn’t the answer, either. Don’t rush it, don’t give it up.

4. I am Supported By The Universe

I’m not a religious person, but I’m a very spiritual one who believe in something bigger than us all. Call it consciousness, call it God, call it the universe, it’s all one thing in my mind, and I do believe we’re all supported by a beautiful benevolent force. In order to see that, though, sometimes a little reminder is helpful.

5. In This Moment, All is Well

Unless you’re being attacked by a lion, this moment is probably okay. The moment before it may have completely sucked, but finding the peace in just this one moment in time leads to peace in the next moment, too.

6. I Am Meant to Live In Peace

According to Martha Beck, this phrase brings humans peace when they repeat it, and I have to say, it works! I also happen to think it’s true.

7. I Can Change My Story

Another powerful affirmation. If you believe you can change your story, then by all means, you can!

Want More Creative Goodness?

Try this therapeutic art exercise.