Feel Happier When You Give Yourself Permission to Do Less

permission to do less

You Deserve to Do Less

This theme keeps coming up in my life lately: Productivity is making us all miserable. On both of Martha Beck’s podcasts, The Gathering Room and Bewildered, she talked about the ways we do too much, and it really, really struck a chord with me.

I don’t have to try so hard. You don’t have to try so hard. We’re here to learn and grow and explore and yes, sometimes we suffer, but it’s all in service of waking up and becoming more present to the beauty within us and around us.

Look, I recorded a whole video about it. If that’s your jam, go for it, if not, read on below the vid.

3 Reasons To Give Yourself Permission to Do Less

#1 Doing More Doesn’t Help You Achieve Your Wants and Wishes

Your mind will tell you all day long that you have to do more, more, more, but is it really helping you get what you want? I’ve been pushing and pushing and pushing to try to create a vibrant, abundant business, but honestly, it hasn’t worked. That’s why I’m shifting to doing only what feels good instead of what I “should” be doing.

Although it’s true that if you “work hard” and get a college degree or move up the corporate ladder you may get an advanced degree or a raise, but it’s not actually going to give you what you really want, which is likely something along the lines of peace, freedom, or joy.

#2 Productivity Never, Ever Ends

If you are stuck in the habit of doing, doing, doing, it will never end. You will always make another list of things to check off, never stopping to truly feel satisfied. If the point of getting all this stuff done is to feel better, shouldn’t you take the time to actually feel that feeling?

I know for sure that whatever vibe we practice is the vibe we experience, and pushing produces stress, so even when the pushing is done, the stress remains. Give yourself permission to do less, to rest, to stop. When you practice relaxation and peace, then you feel relaxation and peace more often.

#3 You Are Good Enough the Way You Are

Yes you are. Put your hand over your heart right now and say this: “I’m doing the best I can. It’s okay to rest.”

I know this is hard for the mind to believe, but you’re good enough and the things that absolutely need to get done will get done. You’re going to pick your kids up from school. You’re doing to clean the litterbox. You’re going to get through this moment,

There is SO MUCH that we think has to be done but really, truly doesn’t. And you’re already good enough and worthy just as you are, and doing more won’t make you any better. You’re already lovely.

How to Give Yourself Permission to Do Less

If saying “It’s okay for me to do less” makes you feel peaceful or free, then it’s the right track for you. Here’s how to put it into practice:

  • Only say yes to things that you truly want to do (or absolutely cannot skip, like giving your kids food)
  • Really, really look at the list of things you think you absolutely have to do, and cross at least one of them off
  • Turn to yourself often, put your hand on your heart, and remind yourself you’re doing a good job
  • Try positive mantras or affirmations
  • Keep going, keep trying
  • Gather people around you who believe in and support your mission

I Love You and You Can Do It

You are not on this planet to get more done. You’re here to find stillness and presence and experience life. Giving yourself permission to do less will serve you in this mission, volunteering for one more club or posting one more thing on social media will not (unless you feel truly called to do it!).

If you’d like to get even more deeply in touch with yourself and what you truly want, I suggest learning to write to and tap into your inner voice/intuition. I’ve got a free guide below to help you get started. XO