Adding Peace One Week at a Time

I had an idea this week.

What if each week we, meaning you and me, tried one new thing that would add peace to our lives?

Over the years I have gathered a zillion little things that make my life better, calmer, and more peaceful, but oftentimes I practice them for a while and then forget all about them. Or, sometimes I tell myself I’m going to do this, this, and this, and then promptly get overwhelmed and don’t do any of them.

So here’s my plan: We start with one thing, practice it for the week, then add something else next week, or, if you’re happy with the one thing, stick with it.

This week’s addition: practicing kind self-talk.

This requires noticing what you’re telling yourself, which requires self-awareness and an overall presence. If you find yourself feeling bad, then stop and check in about what you’re telling yourself, then adjust from there.

The Steps for Kind Self-Talk

  1. Pay attention to what you’re telling yourself! All of these are examples of unkind internal self talk:
    1. I shouldn’t have done that
    2. No one likes me
    3. I look stupid
    4. I’m not trying hard enough
    5. I hate myself
    6. I’m constantly messing up
    7. And on and on, pick your personal pain
  2. When you notice yourself saying something mean, stop. Immediately. You can accomplish this by:
    1. Taking three conscious breaths (noticing your inhale and exhale three times)
    2. Closing your eyes and feeling the energy in your hands
    3. Placing your hand on your heart and listening for/hearing the beat
  3. Replace the negative thought with something kinder, but make it believable:
    1. I’m doing the best I can in this moment
    2. It’s okay to make a mistake, in fact, everyone does
    3. I’m working toward finding myself and my people
    4. I am learning and growing everyday
    5. I can accept myself in this moment
  4. Repeat. Often.

That’s it. This might seem small, but telling yourself “I can do it!” or “I’m doing my best” can make a big difference in your overall level of peace and happiness.

Give it a try this week and let me know how it goes!

In the Studio This Week

I’m really having a resurgence of energy and joy with art-making, and here’s something I finished just this morning.