3 Reasons To Try the Loving Kindness Meditation

loving kindness meditation

Why Meditation is So Important

Yup, me again, talking about meditation, specifically the Loving Kindness Meditation.

Meditation helps you be a more mindful person, it adds peace and calm to your life, and more than anything it brings you into the present moment. Bring present means you get to witness your life, rather than having it go by in a flash.

Usually, meditation is perceived as something you have to “do,” something that’s difficult to focus on. One of the secrets to meditating is that you don’t “do” it, you just sit, and bring your mind back to whatever you’re focusing on, over and over again. When you make it something you have to actively “do,” your mind gets involved and takes over.

Sometimes it’s helpful to practice meditation using a guided meditation, or in this case, something that has specific steps, which give your monkey mind something to do.

(Want to watch a video on the Loving Kindness Meditation, instead? Here you go.)

Loving Kindness Mediation Instructions

  • Step One: Put your hand on your heart and send yourself warm, calming thoughts, such as “May you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering.” Enjoy the warm and calm feelings of repeating these phrases to yourself.
  • Step Two: Imagine someone whom you love and send the same warm thoughts, “May you be well, may you be happy, may you live in peace.” Enjoy the feelings of love and warmth.
  • Step Three: Next, imagine someone who is a stranger to you, perhaps the cashier in the checkout line or someone you saw jogging in the park. Hold their image and send the same loving thoughts their way. Bask in the kind, peaceful feelings.
  • Step Four: Lastly, imagine someone for whom you don’t feel very kindly toward. It could be a family member, a former friend, a politician, anyone who comes to mind. Now, yup, you guessed it, send them the same warm, kind thoughts. It will make you feel open and hopeful and kind.

Now simply enjoy those warm feelings in your body for as long as you can!

Three Reasons to Try the Loving Kindness Meditation

I got the warm and fuzzies just writing down the instructions, because this is so nice to practice!

In case you need more reasons, though:

#1 It Feels So Good

This is the reason we just about everything, right? Because we hope it will make us feel better? Well this meditation actually WILL make you feel better!

#2 It Gets You Out of Your Head

We’re always thinking too much, and this gets you right out of that cycle. Yes, you’re still using thought, but it’s simple and directed and you’ll feel the results in your body.

#3 It Makes You Kinder and More Open

There’s something about this meditation that will make you feel downright benevolent towards all mankind, and that will make you kinder to those around you.

Need More Ways to Unwind?

Try this free therapeutic art exercise.